Saturday, July 18, 2015

So Very Grateful!                  

First I would like to thank my Father God for giving me the ability and strength. I want to send out a special thank you, and shot-out to all of you wonderful people who have been liking and sharing the Justice for Rae page and blog spot. On behalf of myself and my family we are so thankful to you for your support, love and concern during our tragic loss. It is now going on 3 years and we have yet to have our day in court or receive justice for our sisters heinous murder.

Derived from the tragic murder of my sister we established Rae of Hope of Baton Rouge Inc. a non-profit organization to assist us in supporting survivors and victims of stalking, domestic violence, and violent assault to aid them in acquiring the necessary things needed to start a safe and new beginning. Aimed at giving aid to women, men and children. We are going to strive for tougher more serious laws against stalking that leads to such tragedy. We understand that so many children are displaced and/or orphaned due to these violent travesties we are working together with other organizations to provide safe and stable housing for children who loose both father and mother and end up in the foster care system.

We invite you all to visit the website: and if you would like please share it. We know that not everyone is able to monetarily donate, but the mere fact that you share the page and website you could be assisting in saving someones life or a family from the suffering and pain that this careless violence can create. 

Once again for those family members, friends, classmates, associates, and even the people who do not know my sister personally that have taken the time out to like, share, sponsor and donate to the cause thank you! We pray that God continues to bless you and your family abundantly, we pray that God takes what you have done to try to make a change and support this cause and God brings your good intentions and will back into your life tenfold so that you can continue being a blessing to others . Amen! Thank you so very much again we are humbled and grateful to you all! We love you! Continue to spread peace, love and blessings!

Rae of Hope of Baton Rouge La, Inc.

Justice for Rae



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